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Looking after your Torridge Gates

Looking after your Torridge gates


Taking care of your gates not only keeps them looking beautiful but will ensure they remain strong and long-lasting. Wood rotting is a common problem in the winter with mould and mildew caused with moisture being the main cause.

It is almost impossible to stop the spread of rot once it has set in. Whether your gates are made from soft wood or hardwood, treating your gates will keep them protected for years. You can treat timber with a wood preserve and a topcoat of oil, stain, varnish, or paint. Wood that has been pressure treated has protection against damp, mould and insects and it is not necessary to add a wood treatment, however, it is recommended that you treat your gates at least once a year to enhance its appearance and give your gates a longer life.

We sell the following products we we recommend depending on your gate and the colour/look that you want, just ask us if you have any questions at all, we are always here to help.

Protek Stable Coat is a water-based micro-porous treatment that is easy to apply and is an extremely high water repellent. This comes in clear and tinted stains. It is quick-drying, mould resistant, low odour and pet and plant friendly.

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How to Choose a Wooden Entrance Gate

torridge gates sweeping top hartland with arrow heads

Wooden entrance gates are a beautiful and timeless way to add style and security to your home. Torridge Gates specializes in bespoke handmade wooden entrance gates, so we can help you create a gate that is both stylish and functional.

When choosing a wooden entrance gate, there are a few things you need to consider:

  • The style of your home. Your gate should complement the style of your home. If you have a traditional home, you might choose a "Tarka Entrance Gate" or maybe "The Leicestershire Entrance Gate". If you have a modern home, you might choose "The Hillies entrance gate" or even "The Cranford"..
  • The size of your property. The size of your gate will depend on the size of your driveway or entrance. You'll also need to consider the amount of space you have available for the gate posts.
  • The level of security you need. You might want to choose a gate with a security lock. You may also want to consider a gate with a sensor that will automatically open when you approach.
  • The type of wood. There are many different types of wood that can be used for wooden gates, each with its own unique properties. Some popular choices that we use are Iroko and Scandinavian softwood.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a wooden entrance gate:

  • Do you have enough space for the gates to swing? Make sure to measure the space where the gate will be installed to ensure that the gates have enough room to swing open and closed.
  • Do you want even gates or would an uneven split work better for you to combine pedestrian and vehicle access? If you have a driveway that is wide enough, you can choose to have two even gates. However, if you need to accommodate both pedestrians and vehicles, you may want to consider an uneven split gate.
  • Does your driveway slope? (Don’t worry, we have practical solutions for sloped driveways) If your driveway slopes, you'll need to choose a gate that is designed to accommodate the slope. Torridge Gates can help you find a solution that works for your specific needs.
  • Do you want complete privacy, or do you just want to stop people accessing your driveway? If you want complete privacy, you can choose a gate with solid panels. However, if you just want to keep people from accessing your driveway, you can choose a gate with more open panels.
  • Do you have pets or children you want to keep safe? If you have pets or children, you may want to choose a gate with a lower clearance so that they can easily pass through.
  • The type of hinges. There are many different types of hinges that can be used for wooden gates, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some popular choices include strap hinges, butt hinges, and pivot hinges.
  • The type of latch. There are also many different types of latches that can be used for wooden gates. Some popular choices include gate latches, chain latches, and bolt latches.
  • The type of finish. Wooden gates can be finished in a variety of ways, each with its own unique look and feel. Some popular choices include Natural, staining, painting, and varnishing.

With a little planning, you can choose a wooden entrance gate that is both stylish and functional. Torridge Gates can help you create a gate that you'll love for years to come.

The best way to choose a wooden entrance gate is to talk to a professional gate maker like Torridge Gates. We can help you choose the right gate for your needs and budget.

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The Tenoner machine for precise joinery in all of our gates

tenoner machine - Garden gates entransce gates wooden gates

The Tenoner Machine: A Powerful Tool for Woodworkers

A tenoner machine is a floor-mounted machine with pairs of cutting heads that are used to shape tenons. Tenons are essentially wooden dowels that are used to join two pieces of wood together. Mortise and tenon joints have been used for thousands of years by carpenters and to this day are still one of the strongest methods of joining pieces of wood together.

The mortice and tenon joint gives such a secure join that it is key to the longevity of the gates we manufacture. The tenoner machine makes it easy to create these joints, even for beginners.

There are two main types of tenoner machines: single-end and double-end. Single-end machines can only cut tenons on one end of a piece of wood, while double-end machines can cut tenons on both ends.

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